Our journey with our lil bundle of joy from Conception to Delivery & Beyond

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Conception Made Easy...

Having read thousands of websites on the difficulties associated with conception and the umpteen attempts couples make before they discover they are pregnant, I was quite apprehensive about our success rate. The pressure was also building up from all quarters of the family, given the recent baby boom. To top it, starting a family had taken a bit of a backseat due to the nomadic lives we led, roaming the world, pursuing our careers and discovering each other. But I was determined to get it right the first time despite the fact that both of us were in our thirties.

After loads of research, I decided to go by the age old cervical mucus method of tracking fertile days. Luckily for me, I know when I ovulate every month because of the slight pinkish staining. We tried just once that cycle given my better half's busy schedule. And lo and behold on 29th of September, the day Aunt Flow was due, I only saw a spot of red tinged mucus that morning and then nothing. Although they say it is a bit early for home pregnancy tests, I wanted to check as soon as I could. I sent for the pharmacist's helper boy who arrived within 5 mins with 2 test sticks. Within 5 mins, I got a positive though it was early evening urine.

I didn't know what to do. My husband was half way around the world in California. I waited 2 hours and logged into MSN Messenger to break the good news:-) However, the skeptic that he was, he dismissed it saying, it might have been a false positive and asked me to wait out a few days before making any judgements. I called up the hospital after 3 days and scheduled a Serum Beta HCG which showed that I was 100% positively preggers! Scheduled a visit with the OB-GYN who confirmed it and started out what was promising to be an easy pregnancy.


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