Our journey with our lil bundle of joy from Conception to Delivery & Beyond

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Some comments to the people who wrote to me

This morning when I opened my mailbox I received a note from some weirdo saying
"Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Cradle, Bangalore Delivers Our Lil Bundle of J...":

People who read this please notice this is a fake article written by Cradle people. Please don't fall for it. I don't know why hospitals has to degenerate to this level to make money. "

Mr Anonymous: I really don't understand how you arrived at this ridiculous conclusion. Cradle has nothing to do with this post. I'm a real woman living in Koramangala who delivered a healthy bonny baby boy at the Cradle.I can vouch for it. What I have written is my TRUE experience and no statement is a figment of my imagination. Noone has paid me any money to write this blog. In fact, after I wrote it, the cradle guys picked up my blog from small squirrel's blog and posted it as a reference.

NOONE from CRADLE has had any influence, neither have they helped me in writing it. I simply stated the facts as they occured on May 31st 2007, so that more people learn about the better hospitals in Bangalore and enjoy the experience as I did. The reason I don't want my name given is beause this blog is a series of blogs right from my conception experience (if you read my previous post) and I think it is far too personal and I wouldn't like being identified by friends/relatives. So please don't make accusations that Cradle has paid for this to promote their interests.

In fact, I haven't come across nicer doctors in my life than what Cradle has.


Blogger small squirrel said...

hey shopgirl!

it was great to meet you today. your son is beautiful and I always enjoy meeting women in person whom I have interacted with on the blog.

I agree with you about the sour grapes. Dunno what the problem with some of these doctors from other hospitals is... there are more than enough expectant moms to go around! not everyone wants to deliver in the same place. there is no need for these people to badmouth Cradle and say such ridiculous things, especially when the truth is so easy to verify.

I am also always accused of working for Cradle, etc. which could not be further from the truth! The truth is that I did a lot of research to find the place I wanted to deliver, and I started a blog to help other women find what might be right for them. I was very happy with Cradle and I wanted to share my experience, just like you.

Oh well, the truth is out.. Cradle is wonderful and try as they might the others will not be able to darken that image! :)

Again, great meeting you. Take good care! :)

6:36 AM

Blogger ShopGirl said...

Hey Small Squirrel,
It was great to meet you too at the Anniversary celebrations at The Cradle.Your baby Anjali is a real cutie.

I couldn't agree more with your blog on the Cradle!. Hope you got into DC safely and I sure hope you keep us updated about yourself and Anjali through your blog.

Bangalore will miss you!!!

Have a safe flight to DC. All the very best.

10:37 PM


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